A talent retention and recruitment project for
With the support of the Inspiring Futures Fund, Smart Trade Solutions delivers this new initiative which aims to encourage diversity within the Collision Repair industry through the support and development of new women into Collision Repair industry roles.
Mō Te Kaupapa
Traditionally, much like many of the hands-on trades pathways, this space has been occupied predominantly by men.
We are on a mission to showcase to the women of Northland and Auckland that they can also thrive in this industry, that there is room and support for them, and that rewarding, sustainable careers and encouraging employers are waiting. We know from our years working alongside employers and training providers that women shine in these roles, and there are many examples of exceptional female tradespeople who have trailblazed this path before now.
For more information, check out our dedicated website by following the link below.
To Tatou Ratonga
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